Friday 19 August 2011

Week 7(b) - database

this week, we have to do a students database using OpenOffice...
below are the ways to do the students database...

Plan, create and edit a simple database for student management information using OpenOffice Base in a creative, innovative and ethical ways
 Plan the data structure for Student management information for each table (only use student name in    Student Table, but not others):
 Tables: Create table in Design view (4 separate tables
          o student table(use student ID as a Primary key)
          o parent table (use student ID as a Primary key)
          o curriculum table (use student ID as a Primary key)
          o co-curriculum table(use student ID as a Primary key)
 Tool->Relationship: Create relationships between tables by linking the student ID (That is why not to create student name for other tables except Student Table!)
 Use Wizard to Create Form:
           o Student Form
           o Parent Form
           o Curriculum Form
           o Co-curriculum Form
 Data entry using Form (Note: do not use table for data entry)
 Create several queries from the database
 Create reports based on the queries

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