Wednesday 27 July 2011

Week 3(b) : Questionnaire using Survey Monkey and Google Docs spreadsheet

Create a simple questionnaire with 10 questions only for a survey research on the same topic chosen in assigment 1 and 4 (use multiple choice - one answer)

Create a questionnaire (Pilot test)
1. Register – free sign-up at
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only)
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to your coursemates)
4. Ask your classmate to comment or each question/item.


Questionnaire design
1. Correct questions based on the feedback
2. Create demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale (will be     used for coding purpose using SPSS)

Create Questionnaire using Google Document
1. Use gmail account
2. Open or click on documents if using gmail
3. Create New → Form
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale
5. Explore the use of function Save, open, edit form
6. Ask several coursemates to test the online questionnaire.
7. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and Download as Excel format (xls) ( this file will be imported in SPSS)
8. Correct the questions based on the feedback
9. Ask the students from other campus (IPG KS / IPG KDRI) to answer the survey.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Assignment 3 (a) : Report based on the 2nd week of class (Learning about ICT)

For this week, my pair (Suraj) and I were needed to do a report based on the topic that we do in 2nd week of class which is about the "Learning about ICT". But this time for the report, we were needed to make a report on what should be done in Malaysia based on our topic.

Firstly, we were needed to find reference for the report from Google Scholar, Google Books and 2 e-journal from UKM. After that, based on our reading and discussion from the reference, working pairs, we completed our report. The report should be done in OpenOfficeWriter.

After completing the report, I had attached it in my Yahoo Group so that my classmates can view it and maybe as a reference and knowledge for them.

You guys can check our report based on the Learning About ICT through here :

Friday 15 July 2011

3rd Week of Class

Course/Learning Management System (CMS/LMS)

For this week, my partner and I had done some research on CMS/LMS based on the task given. From what I understand, CMS/LMS worked as a portfolio. Besides that, the CMS/LMS is where the teachers or lecturers can monitor their students progress.

After done with the research about the CMS/LMS, we were needed to create a google document to type in the discussion that we had done earlier. After we had done editing the google doc, we're needed to attach it in our own yahoo groups. Lastly, we're needed to post it in our blog as a reflection based on the C/LMS topic.

Monday 11 July 2011

Second Week of Class

Learning about ICT

For this week, we were needed to be in a pair to complete the assignment about the topic given by the coordinator. My pair was Surajwaran and we were given the topic about the "Learning about ICT".
       The early process of completing the task was by discussing the topic in the facebook group created by us earlier. Therefore, we begin our discussion by searching the information through the search engine and basically it's GOOGLE. As we'd googled it, we discussed our opinion and gave ideas in the facebook group.
Below is the results of our discussion about the "Learning about ICT".

Learning about ICT

  1. Learning about Information and communication technologies is a way of familiarising students with the use and workings of computers. ICT demands multiple intelligence as it has been upgraded into many simulation games(example) to attract interactive learning through all senses.
  2. "ICT" is used as a general term for all kinds of technologies which enable users to create, access and manipulate information. This explains that information technology and communications technology are combined to form ICT. it can be also categorised as a subject that needs to be studied or a tool that can be used to help or enhance certain work (support for traditional subject). ICT has contributed towards the elimination of language barriers. Examples of (ICT) tools are emails, instant messaging (IM), Chat rooms and social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter.
  3. The tools of ICT such as emails, instant messaging (IM), chat rooms and social networking websites give a lot of advantages towards us. This tools enable us to connect with other friends, lecturers, and family more easier. For instance, we take Facebook as an example. In facebook, you can always post your messages anytime you want and it is limitless. All you need is internet connection or maybe by using your newly updated phone gadget. Thus, learning ICT and knowing how to use the tools gives a lot of advantages to us as students especially.
  4. Furthermore, ICT is a tool for lifelong learning. As years goes by, our ICT is always developing towards a better future. As for that, you have to keep up to date with the development of the ICT so that you won't miss the newest ICT tools.


      After a deep discussion about the learning about ICT, I could conclude that learning the function and availability of ICT is very important nowadays. From the discussion, I could list out all the ICT equipments that are very useful in the process of teaching and learning. Besides that, ICT is also important in connecting students with students and students with lecturers. Therefore, with the Facebook account that we had created, the emails and the Yahoo groups, it had enabled us to communicate with other classmates easily after the class hours. To conclude, learning about ICT is very important in our education development and it may enhance our education development faster.

First Week of Class

Activity that I needed to do

Register Official email
- create official google and yahoo account
- for each email account - put my own signature
        *my full name
        *program BEd TESL
- sent an ethical email to the coordinator and the lecturer of the subject
Register Official Facebook Account
-by using google or yahoo email
-add friend: -my classmates
                    -course lecturer
                    -course coordinator
-the username must be the same as the google or yahoo account
-include the facebook account into the email signature

Create facebook goup
-create facebook group with your name and set your group to close.
-invite my classmate, course lecturer and course coordinator
Join a yahoogroups
-Go to
  sign in using my yahoo account
-Ask to join the group and introduce myself

Create Yahoogroups for web portfolio(learning portfolio)
-Go to and sign in using my yahoo official id
-name the group with matric number, my name and IPG
-set it to close group.
-invite course coordinator and course lecturer
-edit the email signature and put the group address (url)

Blog registration
-create a blog using google account
-edit email signature and put the blog address (url)

Reflection on the activity

          From my point of view, by completing the task that I had showed above, it helps me to know more on how to create emails, facebook account, yahoo groups and even this blog. Furthermore, by creating the emails and everything else, it eventually helps me on how to connect with my classmates, course lecturer and course coordinator easily without using any of my phone credit. It saved a bit on my expenditure on spending for my phone's topup.What a relieved!!!!
          To conclude, this task improve my knowledge on social networking. It really does help me spend my time more wisely!!!yeah!!!!