Friday 19 August 2011

Week 7(b) - database

this week, we have to do a students database using OpenOffice...
below are the ways to do the students database...

Plan, create and edit a simple database for student management information using OpenOffice Base in a creative, innovative and ethical ways
 Plan the data structure for Student management information for each table (only use student name in    Student Table, but not others):
 Tables: Create table in Design view (4 separate tables
          o student table(use student ID as a Primary key)
          o parent table (use student ID as a Primary key)
          o curriculum table (use student ID as a Primary key)
          o co-curriculum table(use student ID as a Primary key)
 Tool->Relationship: Create relationships between tables by linking the student ID (That is why not to create student name for other tables except Student Table!)
 Use Wizard to Create Form:
           o Student Form
           o Parent Form
           o Curriculum Form
           o Co-curriculum Form
 Data entry using Form (Note: do not use table for data entry)
 Create several queries from the database
 Create reports based on the queries

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Week 7(a) - Spreadsheet

For this week, we have to do two assignment which is 8(a) and 8(b)

for assignment 8a...

  1. Plan, create and edit a simple  one year  personal financial management (income and spending)  spreadsheet using Calc .
  2. Name the sheet  according to the month
  3. Create a formula  to calculate  a  balance  for each month 
  4. Link the formula between  the sheets.
  5. Upload the file to google docs (spreadsheet) and edit it if necessary. 
  6. Share with your lecturers

for assignment 8b....
we have to use the Microsoft Excel and use the function to create a student's score..
  • o Define name
  • o Fill Series
  • o STDEV
  • o Graph
  • o Sort
  • o Filter

Monday 15 August 2011

Week 6 - Multimedia, Animation and Video

This week we were required to learn about the presentation skills from the link given...
below are the link that was given to me to study about the presentation skills:-

After that, we are needed to do a presentation using OpenOffice and PowerPoint.
After the presentation was completed, we were needed to publish a video based on our own topic was Learning About ICT...
And then, the video must be published and put it in the PowerPoint.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Week 5 - Graphic-DTP-Word Processor

We were required to into all different kind of image designing...
below are the types of the image designing

  1. Learning about 2D graphic types: bitmap and vector images
  2. Graphic/Image file format:
  3. RGB & CYMK colour
  4. Bitmap editor: Microsoft Paint / Paint Brush (no layer)
  5. Use drawing facilities (Shapes / SmartArt) in Powerpoint (vector graphics in PowerPoint, but saved as bitmap graphic - jpg, bmp
  6. Photoshop look alike with layers: GIMP
  7. Google draw (vector graphics for online collaborative graphic editor – use firefox or google chrome browser to open
  8. Vector-based drawing: Draw

Monday 8 August 2011

Week 4 : Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS )

On this week task, we were needed to record or analyze the data from the survey that we had done. To analyze the data, we're needed to download a software called SPSS. It's a software that can analyze or record the data from the survey easily and faster.

Below are the ways to collect data from the SPSS
1. Open SPSS and start naming the variable using Variable View ..
      Example :
  •          Name: Form ID ; type: Numeric:; width : 8; decimals: 0; Label: Form Identification; values: none
  •           Name: Gender; type: numeric; width: 8; decimals: 0; Label Value (1, Male.....)
2. Data Entry (for printed questionnaire) using Data View
3. In data view, Data -> Merge / import data from Online Questionnaire spreadsheet (make sure that   the variable is the same)
4. Run the analyze ->descriptive data: Frequencies
5. Output will be displayed in SPSS Viewer
6. The table and graph can be copied from SPSS Viewer to OpenOffice Writer for reporting.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Week 3(b) : Questionnaire using Survey Monkey and Google Docs spreadsheet

Create a simple questionnaire with 10 questions only for a survey research on the same topic chosen in assigment 1 and 4 (use multiple choice - one answer)

Create a questionnaire (Pilot test)
1. Register – free sign-up at
2. Add questions (use multiple choise – one answer only)
3. Collect and analysis data online (pilot test – give the link to your coursemates)
4. Ask your classmate to comment or each question/item.


Questionnaire design
1. Correct questions based on the feedback
2. Create demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale (will be     used for coding purpose using SPSS)

Create Questionnaire using Google Document
1. Use gmail account
2. Open or click on documents if using gmail
3. Create New → Form
4. Add demography and item/question in variety format – multiple choice, Checkboxes and scale
5. Explore the use of function Save, open, edit form
6. Ask several coursemates to test the online questionnaire.
7. Explore the use of Spreadsheet for this online questionnaire and Download as Excel format (xls) ( this file will be imported in SPSS)
8. Correct the questions based on the feedback
9. Ask the students from other campus (IPG KS / IPG KDRI) to answer the survey.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Assignment 3 (a) : Report based on the 2nd week of class (Learning about ICT)

For this week, my pair (Suraj) and I were needed to do a report based on the topic that we do in 2nd week of class which is about the "Learning about ICT". But this time for the report, we were needed to make a report on what should be done in Malaysia based on our topic.

Firstly, we were needed to find reference for the report from Google Scholar, Google Books and 2 e-journal from UKM. After that, based on our reading and discussion from the reference, working pairs, we completed our report. The report should be done in OpenOfficeWriter.

After completing the report, I had attached it in my Yahoo Group so that my classmates can view it and maybe as a reference and knowledge for them.

You guys can check our report based on the Learning About ICT through here :